ಕೃಷಿ ವಿಜ್ಞಾನಗಳ ವಿಶ್ವವಿದ್ಯಾಲಯ, ರಾಯಚೂರು
University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur

UAS Campus, Lingsugur Road, Raichur 584 104, Karnataka (India)

ICAR - Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kalaburagi-I


SL.No Crop Title Area in ha no / No. of Farmers Place Status as on date
01 Pigeon pea Introduction of wilt & SMD Resistant and high yielding hybrid (ICPH-2740) of pigeon pea ,GRG-2009 & BDS-711) 1 acre each / 3 Farmers Saradagi Pre flowering stage
02 Pigeon pea Introduction of Helicoverpa tolerant and high yielding hybrid (ICPHaRL-4989-7) 1 acre each / 3 Farmers Saradagi & Bablad Good condition
03 Bengalgram Introduction of wilt/dry root rot resistant/MR and high yielding variety (JG-14) of Bengal gram 3 ha / 07 No. Gobbur wad Sowing completed
04 Sugarcane Management of Early Shoot Borer in sugarcane 1 acre each / 5 Farmers Ambalga To be implemented in Summer
05 Gum Guar Gum Guar as an Alternative crop to Redgram in rain fed situation 1 acre each / 5 Farmers S. Saradagi Tanda Stunted growth due extra moisture
06 Onion Management of Thrips and Purple blotch disease in onion 1 acre each / 5 Farmers Gobbur wadi Transplanted
SL.No Crop Title Area in ha no / No. of Farmers Place Status as on date
01 Sorghum ICM in Sorghum 05/12 Gobburwadi sowing completed
02 Foxtail millet Popularization of improved variety of foxtail millet (Var. SIA-2644) as intercrop in redgram & PHT 05/12 S. Saradgi Harvesting stage
03 Sunflower ICM in Sunflower 10/24 Belamgi Germinated
04 Redgram ICM in Redgram 05/12 Tajsultanpu 60 days old crop/nipping done
05 Greengram ICM in green gram 05/12 Tadkal Harvested
06 Blackgram ICM in black gram 05/12 Astaga Harvested
07 Soybean ICM in Soybean 05/12 Tadkal Harvested
08 Bengalgram ICM in Bengal gram 05/12 Gobburwadi/ Tajsultanpur Sowing completed
09 Sugarcane ICM in sugarcane((SSI Method in Sugarcane 05/12 Ambalga Harvesting Stage
10 Chilli ICM in Chilli 05/12 S. Saradgi Will be implemented in January-Februuary
11 Onion ICM in Onion 05/12 S. Saradgi 2 months old crop
12 Turmeric ICM in Turmeric 05/12 Chincholi Vegetative Growth stage
13 Brinjal ICM in Brinjal 05/12 Astagi Fruit picking stage
14 Banana Bunch Nutrition in banana 05/05 S. Saradgi Yet to beimplimeted
15 Lime Management of Citrus canker & leaf minor in Lime 05/12 Gobburwadi Implemented
16 Watermelon ICM in Water melon 105/12 Belamgi Implemented in Nov-Dec
17 Goat Up gradation of local goat breeds with Sirrohi buck -- S. Saradgi Implemented s
18 Dairy Effect of feeding of probiotics on milk yield and its quality in cross bred dairy cows -- Bablad (S)/ Pattana/ Bhimalli Implemented
19 Dairy Introduction of Area specific mineral mixture in dairy cattle -- Pattana Yet to be implemented
20 Dairy Supplementation of slow releasing urea on milk yield and its composition in buffaloes & cows -- Bablad (S)/ Pattana/ Bhimalli Yet to be implemented
21 IFS Importance of Livestock in integrated farming system -- Selected cluster villages Yet to be implemented
22 Goats Assessment of effective treatment for foot rot/soft hoof in Sheep & Goats -- S. Saradgi Yet to be implemented
23 Others Noise producing equipment -- S. Saradgi Yet to be implemented
24 Others Innovative methodology -- S. Saradgi/ Gobburwadi Yet to be implemented